Pantheacon Musings


I am back from Pantheacon, and well-rested enough to write about it at this point. I have really come to love this event over the years.  It never fails to remind me just how much magick fascinates me.  The vast inner landscapes of our minds/souls/psyches, and how they intersect with the unseen worlds, and how blurry this boundary is, if it even exists at all. 

In the words of one well-known magician (DuQuette/ben Clifford), “It is all in your head, you just have no idea how big your head is!”  This sums up a great mystery for me, in that we don’t really know the nature of the subjective/objective Universe – are the Gods subjective, or objective? Or is the perception that there is a difference one of those illusory tricks of duality that comes from depending too much on our sensory experience? 

The beauty of magick is that no mater which side of the subjective/objective spectrum you favor, it still holds its relevance. It seems to me that we humans are the Mind of God,  each of us a separate jewel in a unified web, each of us possessing a unique vantage point which is, nonetheless, part of a whole. The more we can identify with the whole, the more subjectivity and objectivity become irrelevant.  Of course, at times when we are more identified with our individuality, a subjective experience sure comes in handy! 

Thus go the musings of a magickally inspired madwoman, which is usually what I become after spending a long weekend with over 2,000 of my fellow magi! 

We performed this year, as an 8-piece version of Pandemonaeon. We must have had over 200 people in the audience, which was lovely. You know – I love our people – we are truly a clan who celebrates the gift of our lives most fully, and this type of worldview makes for a stunningly attired audience! I love looking out into a sea of people in dramatic corsets, medieval gowns in rich jewel-tone velvets, dancers with jangling belts, flowing skirts and dripping with jewelry, peacock feathers and wizard hats and leather pants and black net shirts, pirates and dark faeries and bellydancers and lusty wenches and pirates…ahh, I love you all! 

I went to two lectures, one on “low magick” by Lon Milo DuQuette – I agree with his view that dividing magick into “low” and “high” is less than elegant (my words) – and one on the writings and life of William Sharp/Fiona McCloud.  I knew that Fiona McCloud was the pen name of William Sharp but I did not know that he considered himself to be writing on behalf of a faery being namesd Fiona McCloud. Very interesting! 

I think, as always, my favorite part of the Con was connecting with my people, though. We are all so busy, we don’t have as much occasion to spend time s any of us would like, especially ith those who live far away. So that is always a joy, and it is why we co-hosted a pirate party with Stone City after our show. It was grand, as was drumming for the Stone City benefit, and some VERY sexy  dancing that went on with Thorn, Anaar, and Morpheus.  Another highlight was a deep reconnecting with my partner, Winter. Much needed, as we can so easily get bogged down with the details of everyday life! 

This grows long, but truly, it was a glorious Con for me, and I am so grateful that I am part of a community that truly inspires me!

Blessings to you all!

~ by Sharon Knight on February 23, 2009.

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